

 Peace4Tarpon is dedicated to promoting a trauma-sensitive community and fostering healing. Our mission is to promote a trauma-sensitive community. Our vision is to connect, inform, transform, and heal through understanding trauma and how it impacts our community.

What do we mean by trauma and peace? 

Trauma is an extremely sensory occurrence and very subjective and personal – it is whatever we perceive it is. If any experience, whether personal or witnessed, is causing us to feel stressed or unsafe and results in reactions that are difficult to control/manage – this is trauma. Peace cannot coexist with trauma that remains unresolved. We must first address our own trauma, only then can we heal, nurture resilience and bring peace to ourselves, our families and communities.

 What does a trauma-informed community look like? 

A trauma-informed community extends its compassionate gaze to encompass individuals, families, neighborhoods, and beyond, recognizing the far-reaching impact of trauma. Peace4Tarpon is an initiative that exemplifies an approach that begins with each individual, fostering learning and connection. By nurturing understanding in this way, Peace4Tarpon weaves a tapestry of empathy and resilience, enriching the fabric of society with each shared insight and supportive connection. A trauma-informed community is one that recognizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands how past experiences can affect individuals’ behaviors, attitudes, and interactions. It involves creating an environment that prioritizes safety, trust, collaboration, and empowerment, while avoiding retraumatization.



Community Awareness and Education: 

  • Connect and inform residents about trauma prevalence and its impacts. 
  • Establish partnerships with local schools, healthcare providers, and community centers.

Training and Capacity Building: 

  • Provide trauma-informed training for key community stakeholders. 

Supportive Services: 

  • Connect community members to trauma-informed mental health services. 
  • Connect community members to support groups and programs. 

Youth and School Programs: 

  • Support trauma-sensitive curriculum and practices in local schools. 
  • Support after-school programs and activities focusing on positive relationships. 

Community Engagement and Empowerment: 

  • Facilitate community forums and events. 
  • Empower community members for diverse representation. 

Strategic Partnerships: 

  • Collaborate with local government agencies, nonprofits, and businesses.
  •  Seek grant opportunities and partnerships for program expansion.

Enhance Governance Structure:

  • Post forum meeting minutes for transparency.
  •  Implement board assessment recommendations. 
  • Provide governance training. 
  • Increase board size and define terms. 
  • Establish committees (ad-hoc).

Ensure Long-Term Financial Sustainability:

  • Diversify funding sources.
  •  Engage volunteers effectively. 
  • Explore revenue-generating initiatives. 
  • Establish a savings account. 
  • Collaborate with strategic fiscal partners. 
  • Provide regular financial reporting. 
  • Build strong donor relationships. 
  • Create Giving Circles 

Foster Community Relationships and Engagement: 

  • Gather input from stakeholders. 
  • Conduct needs assessment regularly.
  • Implement logic model for programs. 
  • Create action plans with program partners, and document all processes.
  •  Implement partner feedback mechanisms.
  •  Refurbish website and marketing materials. 

Implement Robust Evaluation Mechanisms: 

  • Establish data collection systems.
  •  Measure community engagement, program outcomes, and stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Use evaluation findings for adaptation and improvement.
  •  Share evaluation results transparently. 
  • Utilize “stoplight” method for tracking


  1. Securing P4T’s Future

Succession Planning:

  • Develop a targeted succession plan by 2026, using Chairman’s documented role as a guide.
  •  Identify and nurture potential board leaders. 
  • Outline emergency succession plans. 
  • Regularly review and adjust the succession plan.


Founded in 2010, Peace4Tarpon is truly a grassroots initiative, led by volunteers. We are a 501(c)(3) organization. Please donate on our website, or send checks to: 


P.O Box 1752 

Tarpon Springs, Florida 34688